
Posts Tagged ‘jam’

Well, let’s see.

There were berries.


Now, there is jam.


There was a request.  Now there is a halter top – that fits.

Punky halter

There were scraps of yarn.

Scraps wanting to be socks

Now there is sock.  Yes, only one, the other is coming.  It’s a cuff.  We’ll get there.

Super Magical Scrap Sock of Wonder

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Spinning update:

Mystery Batt #1 has been spun!

Very fun, and  I think the yarn is fun too.  There’s not much of it though, what should I make with it?

Knitting update:

Still working on the socks mentioned earlier.  they are plain stockinette, and look really good, but I was feeling the need for more of a challenge, so I got out my Selbuvotter book and the yarn I bought a while ago for some mittens.  However, as much as I love these colours together it was not to be.

The pretty variegated yarn doesn’t have enough contrast with the green, so you can’t see the pattern.  Since the whole point of Selbu mitts is the pattern I started over. 

Much better.  The contrast is even better in person.  I am doing NMH #7 with the cuff pattern from NMH #9 which I liked better.  So far it is going swimmingly.  Swimmingly enough that I spent far, far too long looking at other stranded mitten patterns on Ravelry this morning.  I like a lot of them, and lucky for me Mostly Mittens and Magnificent Mittens are being re-released soon.  And since we are on the topic of obsession – any one know where I can get a copy of Latvian Mittens for a normal price?

Summer update:


Fresh Strawberry jam.  ‘Nuff said.

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