
Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Where we have been

I’m here! Really! But I wasn’t for a while, and then once I had returned I was sick and busy. I am now glad to be home and well. But where was I? Well, you know Sarah and I went to Rhinebeck. Not a lot of pictures of that, most ended up on her camera. Here’s a friendly sheep though!


The sheep were one of my favourite things about Rhinebeck, they are so cute and very friendly too – I got to pet quite a few.

The weekend after Rhinebeck found my family driving through New York State again, but with a different destination this time.

Flag and gull




Any of those places would be good

3 ships

A week of beach, a week lost to a miserable cold and now… time to make stuff for Christmas!!
Coming soon to a blog near you.

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Only one more sleep and Sarah and I are off on our U.S. knitting adventure!  Tomorrow morning we are leaving the husbands and kids to their own devices and heading south.  We’re hoping to be in Rhinebeck by evening, although I’m sure there will be shopping and eating stops along the way.

I am making good progress this morning in my things to do list (including surprise cookies for Joey and Punky – shhhh!).  I have my knitting packed, that’s the key thing right?  For this trip I’m hoping to finish up Anne’s Christmas socks and I’ve got this!

Liquid Love handspun

Gorgeious red handspun that was Sarah’s birthday gift to me.  It tells me it wants to be a hat.  I need a hat. Obviously we were ment to be.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should likely pack some clothes.


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Hello my Minions, so nice to see you again!  Sorry for the long break between posts!  Two things have happened – one, summer has happened and with no school I am busier, the pool calls, camp beckons and the computer gets ignored.  At least until it doesn’t work.  We had problems that resulted in no internet connection for over two weeks.  Thanks to Joey, and everyone else who offered an opinion, the issue has been resolved and we are back in the land of the connected.  I hope you have all been having a wonderful summer in the mean time.

Just before the computer went on vacation we at Joey’s House did.  We camped at Long Point Provincial Park for 5 days.  It was rainy, windy and buggy!  A word of warning to anyone considering heading that way next year – according to one of the lovely park staff August is sand fly season.  We all came back very chewed up – especially Punky and Juno.   The beach there is awesome though, and the water very shallow for a good  ways out.  We had some calm days and some rough water days, both of which are fun for different reasons.  The day we arrived was warm and the waves were crashing in an adjust-your-bathing-suit after each wave kind of way.  Juno learned to jump waves too, after overcoming an initial mistrust in them.  We had good food, and enjoyed some relaxation time as Punky ran wild with a gaggle of other kids that were staying at nearby sites.  If we could have avoided the bugs and the crazy rainstorms (they make for a very poor night’s sleep when you’re in a tent) it would have been perfect!  I may have taken just a few pictures, have a look!

If you looked left from our campsite you saw this – that bit of blue is Lake Erie!

Look left from our campsite

As I said – the first day was rough water. The waves ate up a lot of the beach.

Punky camps in style and with many friends.
Punky's camp bed

The second morning was very calm.
Punky on the beach

The beach is very peaceful in the early morning.
Beach morning

Just a beach log.
Beach log

Juno enjoys the warm sand.
Sand dog

Of course there was knitting at camp – and some crocheting too. More about that later
New best knitting spot, complete with yarn dog

Bacon over the fire…mmmmm… bacon….
The bacon shot

What’s a campfire without spider dogs?
The perfect spider dog

The last night was warm and peaceful with a great sunset. Until it rained of course.
Last sunset at camp

There has been some knitting going on as well – but that’s another post.

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Where have you been?

Oh you know, here and there.

Mostly places that are a lot warmer than here!

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